7 Messages From Heaven Proving You Are Good Enough Just The Way You Are

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What is your image of heaven?  All of us will have different images of the holy, whether you imagine it as an ethereal place or a state of being.

All religions point to something greater.  You will interpret this in your way. People name this power as God, Creator, Allah, Higher Power and other ways.

There is incredible wisdom that resides in this divine energy. The good news is that it resides in you and you are good enough.

Here 7 messages from heaven proving you are good enough just the way you are:


1.      You are created in the image of God:

In Judaism and Christianity, the Hebrew and Christian scriptures talk about how you are created in the image of God. Meaning you have worth just for being you.   It also means you have the same capacity as people like Moses and Jesus to connect with the divine.   Whether that be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, every part of you has great value and worth.  Every aspect of you has the divine and humanity within you.   Wisdom of Solomon 2:23 Genesis 1:27  James 3:9


2.      You have the Spirit within you:

Have you ever seen a dead person?  You can tell that their Spirit has left them.   Their energy has gone back into the universe.

You have the Spirit within you.  You can access this part of you any time. You just need to slow down and pay attention to the firm, gentle and quiet voice within you. The Spirit is constantly reminding you that you are perfectly imperfect. You are flawed because you are human.

It is your flaws that make you unique.  It is your imperfections that help you to love others.  No one wants to hang out with a perfect person. You are good enough.

The divine within you will keep reminding you of your purpose here on earth. The Spirit will encourage and challenge you to be your best.  If you hear a condemning voice, this is the voice of your inner critic and not the voice of heaven.


3.      You are meant to be human:

God created you to be human. Part of being human is that you are not perfect.  To grow, you need space to play, allow for mistakes and be open to surprises.  Remember, some of the greatest inventions have happened by accident. Click Here to Learn More

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 Want to learn how to develop a practice to listen to your Inner Voice? Click Here



4.      There is nothing wrong with you:

God reminds you that you are perfectly made.  Remember, you are made in the image of God. You are both holy and human. 

The holy reminds you there is nothing wrong with you. You are weaved together in the womb of your mother perfectly.  You do not need to be fixed.

The Spirit is here to help you peel off all the armour you have put up around yourself to keep you safe.   

God does not want you to judge yourself for having to put up this armour. You and everyone else needed the ego, that God gave us, to keep us safe during the early years of life. Remember you are good enough.

Your goal now is to allow amazing you to break through the armour that now holding you back.

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5.      You are loved by the holy just the way you are:

Unconditional love is hard to comprehend because it is rare to experience. Yet God can love everything that the Creator made.

God sees each of us as reflections of the holy.  God can see your capacity for love, generosity, kindness, wisdom, and play.  God can see it in us even when we are blind to your own worthiness.

When you embrace the unconditional love of God, you can show that kind of love to yourself and those around you. Do not forget you are good enough.

Sharing this kind of love with the world is lifelong work. Your job is to get up every day and do your best, with the help of the divine, to love everyone you meet.


6.      You have gifts to share with the world:

The good news is that you have gifts to share with the world.  Everyone has skills to share!  You may be like many who find it difficult to name their gifts and skills.

Throughout your life, you will discern what God wants you to attend to in your daily life. God will show you the way.

Notice who the people are that inspire you.  What are your passions?  If you could pick three things that most concern you, what are they? Then find ways to be part of the solution. If something is important to God, the Spirit will show you the way.

God says you are important and wants you to show up the best way you can every day. God is here to encourage you.  The only one who punishes you is often yourself.  If you hear the voice of an angry, vengeful God, this is probably your inner critic speaking.


Want to learn how to connect with God without Religion? Click Here


7.      Your job is to show up in the best way you can each day:

You are human, and this means you are not perfect.  Throughout life, you are faced with many different situations.  The difference between a good decision and a bad one can be subtle.

Sometimes you will not make the best decision, but then you will learn from the experience.

 Your job is to turn up in the best way you can every day. The good news is that you don't need to be perfect because you good enough.

If you do this every day, you and the whole created order will be a little better.



You receive messages from heaven all the time.  Most of them arise from within us. If you want to pay better attention to this part of you, you will benefit from finding practices that help you get in touch with the sensations of your body, the emotions of your heart and quieting your mind.

You will benefit from participating in spiritual practices such as meditation, prayer, yoga, Tai chi, walking, painting, and ceramics. Find something that works for you.

 The more you ground yourself, the more you will notice the voice of God speaking to you and the more you will hear the voice of God speaking through friends, family, and strangers every day.  You will have no doubt you are good enough.

Remember, you do not have to go far to hear the messages from heaven because heaven is already within you.


Roland Legge is a certified Identity Life Coach and a minister in the United Church of Canada in Yorkton, Saskatchewan.  To learn more, you can check out his website. You can also join his private Facebook group called "Discover Your Identity."