Nine Lies You'll Never Hear from God (But Others May Tell You)

Nine Lies You'll Never Hear from God (But Others May Tell You)

Faith can be inspiring, hopeful, full of love, and change the world. Great movements of transformation, inspired by all religions, have made the world a better place. In this article, we will focus on Christianity.

Christians responded to a crisis during the Industrial Revolution. People of faith ensured that all children could receive an education no matter how much money their families had. Today, what we call public education originated from denominational schools that sought to stop the abuse of children. 

During the Slave Trade in the United States, many Christians came together to create the Underground Railroad that helped African Americans to escape to the freedom of Canada.

Christianity has been a mixed blessing. It has brought hope, love and justice to many who were denied it, and it has also killed many people in the name of God.

Our job as followers of Jesus is to shine the light on the shadow side to prevent these tragedies from happening.

Here are nine assertions you’ll never hear from Jesus that I hope will help to stay accountable to him.

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Rediscovering the Sacred in a Fearful World

Rediscovering the Sacred in a Fearful World

It is almost impossible to avoid the noise of fear, rage and greed in the world. It is coming at you fast and furious through radio, tv and social media.

You probably do not have the luxury to go into the wilderness to go off-grid. Many of us can not afford to go off social media because we rely on it to promote our businesses.

When under stress, you can be blind to the sacred. The good news is that the sacred is everywhere, and you do not need to be part of any religion to experience awe.

What have you experienced as sacred? You may have experienced the holy in nature, music, art, creativity, play, religion, spirituality and more.

As you attune yourself to the sacred, you will experience it more and more in the ordinariness of life. You will have more moments of clarity recognizing something so ordinary is so extraordinary

So, what do you do?

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Why  Doubt is Good for You (And How it can Deepen Your Faith)

Why  Doubt is Good for You (And How it can Deepen Your Faith)


Doubt is one of the most excellent tools available to you.  It is what your brain does well when given a chance. It is called critical thinking.

To doubt is to be uncertain of a belief or opinion. It is to suspend judgment to seek more opinions deliberately.

Think how much better the world could be if all of us practiced critical thinking before we made any decision for our family, workplace or religious community.

You already do this without realizing it.  Many of us, when making a big purchase, will learn about the different options. You will read up on any information you can find.

If you are new parents, you will read some of the latest books on parenting.  You will probably go in with some healthy skepticism until you find the author that speaks to you. 

Often if we think an offer feels like it is too good to be true, we will do further research, such as being in touch with the Better Business Bureau.

Can you imagine the world without the gift of doubt? Who would you choose to follow unquestionably? Who would you trust so much that you would do as told without question?

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Seven Ways to Inner Peace After Divorce

Seven Ways to Inner Peace After Divorce

Going through a divorce is one of the most stressful events you can experience in life.  Even if you have come to a decision together, it is still hard.

It is hard because there is grief. Your dream of a lifelong relationship together has ended. Your expectation that your partner would be there for you for the rest of your life has come to an end.

If you have children, you are now a single parent. How are they going to thrive in this new, unfamiliar environment? Where are they going to live? How will they get to see both parents if it is safe?

Unless you can find a way to share the home you have been living in, you will have increased expenses as you and your partner will each need a place to live.

You have been saving up for some new clothes, a new car or a trip that you now must put on hold because of all the extra expenses.  

Your friendships are going to change. Some of the couples you used to enjoy company with may disappear from your life. Friends that you once new together may choose to only stay friends with your ex-partner.

Your favourite pet may go to live with your ex-partner. You will have to divide up all the contents of your home. It won’t be easy.

Here are seven ways to inner peace after a divorce:

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