How To Start A Daily Habit Of Talking To God

How To Start A Daily Habit Of Talking To God

Talking to God can help you to be your best. But before we go any further in this conversation, I invite you to reflect on who God is for you.

God is energy and spirit that connects us to everything animate and inanimate on earth. God not only connects us to the world and also to the universe.

God is expressed through love, justice-making, and through each of us, even you!

If you explored all the world's great religions, you would find many beliefs and values in common. However, each religion has its own unique story of how God continues to animate the world.

No religion or belief system knows everything about God because God will always remain mysterious and surprising. Talking to God should open you up and not close you down.

Every time you try to control God, you are imposing your belief system on others. Before you know it, you will be claiming that you have a unique line to God and that you can never be wrong.

Self-righteousness is dangerous. Hitler and Mussolini are examples of what happens to people who think they have a special relationship with God and believe they know the ultimate truth.

Once you have a sense of who and what God is, you can begin to build a practice of talking to God every day.

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How Your Fear Of Change Is Keeping You From The Life, You're Meant To Live

How Your Fear Of Change Is Keeping You From The Life, You're Meant To Live

Change is a constant. It will never stop. If you want to follow your dreams, you will need to overcome your fear of change.

Often it is the voice of the inner critic that gets you in trouble. The inner critic is that part of your ego that wants to keep you safe by keeping to what it knows.

Your inner critic was necessary for your survival when you were an infant and child. However, it becomes a problem when you reach adulthood if you are not aware of how this negative voice impacts you.

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Why It's Totally Normal To Be Angry At Life After A Divorce (And How To Start To Let It Go)

Why It's Totally Normal To Be Angry At Life After A Divorce  (And How To Start To Let It Go)

Going through a divorce is tough, even when done compassionately.

All your emotions are close to the surface, and you are angry at life. You expected to be in this relationship until death.

You are grieving what could have been. You are losing your partner with who you could share your day. It feels so lonely now.

It now feels awkward to go out with couples who you used to hang out with together. Over time you will discover who you are, your real friends.

You are responsible for everything in your household. It is easy to feel overwhelmed.

Childcare is now a lot more complicated. You suddenly find yourself as a single parent; you are exhausted. You are embarrassed to ask for help.

You are feeling angry at your spouse and probably mad at yourself. You ask yourself, why did I put up with the behaviour of this person for so long? What did I do wrong? Why didn't I see this coming months ago?

If there were an affair by one of you, feelings of betrayal would magnify your emotions even more. You will feel angry, enraged, hurt, sad and disappointed. You will have many reasons to be angry at life.

Moving through a divorce into new life takes time. The only way to move through this tumultuous time is to experience your sadness, hurt, anger and disappointments. Hiding from your pain is only going to make it worse in the long run.

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Rediscovering the Sacred in a Fearful World

Rediscovering the Sacred in a Fearful World

It is almost impossible to avoid the noise of fear, rage and greed in the world. It is coming at you fast and furious through radio, tv and social media.

You probably do not have the luxury to go into the wilderness to go off-grid. Many of us can not afford to go off social media because we rely on it to promote our businesses.

When under stress, you can be blind to the sacred. The good news is that the sacred is everywhere, and you do not need to be part of any religion to experience awe.

What have you experienced as sacred? You may have experienced the holy in nature, music, art, creativity, play, religion, spirituality and more.

As you attune yourself to the sacred, you will experience it more and more in the ordinariness of life. You will have more moments of clarity recognizing something so ordinary is so extraordinary

So, what do you do?

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Nine Ways to Heal after the Death of a Loved One

Nine Ways to Heal after the Death of a Loved One

The death of a loved one, whether that be a family member or friend, is hard. The worst thing you can do is hold in your emotions. Holding in your feelings will only make you feel worse.

If you fear losing control, you are among many. You can only hold it together for a short time before you feel the strain.

Avoiding grief is destructive. It will make you sick. The longer you hold it in, the more it is going to hurt you.

Grief is a natural response to loss. If you are willing to take the journey through the intense emotions, you will find healing. Life will never return to the way it was before death, but you will find a new purpose to life.

Here are nine ways to heal after the death of a loved one:

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Perfectionist and Christmas (How to Survive)

Perfectionist and Christmas (How to Survive)

Christmas is supposed to be a joyful, happy season. Yet for many of us, it can be challenging.

Do you find it like a command performance when you must pretend to be full of joy? When you feel forced to lie to people about how you think, it makes you even worse.

You are not always going to be happy when Christmas rolls around every year.

If you are a perfectionist, you can feel extreme pressure at this time of year to have everything “perfect” for your family and friends. You think you need to host the perfect party, give the ideal gift, prepare the perfect Christmas dinner and keep your house in immaculate condition.

Here are five ways for the perfectionist to survive Christmas:

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Seven Ways to Inner Peace After Divorce

Seven Ways to Inner Peace After Divorce

Going through a divorce is one of the most stressful events you can experience in life.  Even if you have come to a decision together, it is still hard.

It is hard because there is grief. Your dream of a lifelong relationship together has ended. Your expectation that your partner would be there for you for the rest of your life has come to an end.

If you have children, you are now a single parent. How are they going to thrive in this new, unfamiliar environment? Where are they going to live? How will they get to see both parents if it is safe?

Unless you can find a way to share the home you have been living in, you will have increased expenses as you and your partner will each need a place to live.

You have been saving up for some new clothes, a new car or a trip that you now must put on hold because of all the extra expenses.  

Your friendships are going to change. Some of the couples you used to enjoy company with may disappear from your life. Friends that you once new together may choose to only stay friends with your ex-partner.

Your favourite pet may go to live with your ex-partner. You will have to divide up all the contents of your home. It won’t be easy.

Here are seven ways to inner peace after a divorce:

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Nine signs that you need professional help going through a major transition

Nine signs that you need professional help going through a major transition


A hundred years ago, change happened at a slower pace.  Our minds, bodies and hearts had time to adjust to the changing seasons of life.

Today the world is changing at such a fast pace.  You may be finding it hard to navigate change.

If you are having a hard time adjusting to the continual change in your life, you may benefit from professional help.

Here are nine signs that professional help would be beneficial for you.

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The Enneagram is Bogus & other misconceptions about the Enneagram

The Enneagram is Bogus & other misconceptions about the Enneagram

While the Enneagram has ancient origins, it is new for many people.

 In the last couple of years, the Enneagram has moved into popular culture. You hear about it on all platforms of social media. There are more and more books written on the subject and workshops offered around the world.

With its increasing popularity there is a growing number of critics and doubters. In the context of increasing information coming out about the Enneagram, I want to counter the notion, that the Enneagram is Bogus.


Here are eight misconceptions about the Enneagram.

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How to Connect with God Without Religion

How to Connect with God Without Religion

God is available to us all. You don’t need to go through any church, mosque, synagogue or temple to experience God. In this article you will discover seventeen different ways to connect with God. However it is best for you to not do this alone. If you are not comfortable in a worshiping community find a group of friends and family who have the same interest in connecting with the spirit. Enjoy the journey.

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