Going through a divorce is one of the most stressful events you can experience in life. Even if you have come to a decision together, it is still hard.
It is hard because there is grief. Your dream of a lifelong relationship together has ended. Your expectation that your partner would be there for you for the rest of your life has come to an end.
If you have children, you are now a single parent. How are they going to thrive in this new, unfamiliar environment? Where are they going to live? How will they get to see both parents if it is safe?
Unless you can find a way to share the home you have been living in, you will have increased expenses as you and your partner will each need a place to live.
You have been saving up for some new clothes, a new car or a trip that you now must put on hold because of all the extra expenses.
Your friendships are going to change. Some of the couples you used to enjoy company with may disappear from your life. Friends that you once new together may choose to only stay friends with your ex-partner.
Your favourite pet may go to live with your ex-partner. You will have to divide up all the contents of your home. It won’t be easy.
Here are seven ways to inner peace after a divorce:
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