Five Ways to Cultivate a Healthy Masculinity and Femininity

Five Ways to Cultivate a Healthy Masculinity and Femininity

We live in a complex world, yet we want to divide people into two genders. We expect men to be masculine and women to be feminine. 

With modern psychology, we have learned that we have both within us. It is a like a continuum with masculinity and femininity at either end of the spectrum. Most of us land in the middle of the continuum. We all need a healthy masculinity and femininity.

Until recently, children have been raised to behave in specific ways depending on their gender identity. Girls were brought up to be caring, maternal, gentle and obedient to parents, particularly men.

Boys were considered tough, assertive, violent, and controlling. Boys grew up with the belief that they were superior to girls. You still hear the excuse for male violence with the saying, “Boys will be boys.” We still see signs of this in our society with a high rate of violence against girls and women.

Women and men are both hurt by this sexist divide. We are forced into being people we are not. When women are not permitted to be strong, assertive and outspoken, they often take out their anger on other women. 

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9 Ways to Detox Your Soul through your Body, Heart and Mind

9 Ways to Detox Your Soul through your Body, Heart and Mind

 You are a complex being. Your life will flow when you pay attention to your soul. To do this work requires patience, determination and commitment.   Doing a soul detox is difficult, but the results are life-changing.

The Enneagram is a great tool to help you do this work. It is like a spiritual map to show you how and the type of work you need to do. The Enneagram is not enough in itself. You must find practices that will help you connect with your soul through your body, heart and mind.

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How to Transform Your Inner Critic into an Inner Coach

How to Transform Your Inner Critic into an Inner Coach

You have an Inner Critic:

The inner critic has good intentions. It wants to keep you safe. Unfortunately, it can become a problem because it wants to limit you to only doing what is familiar. You will notice that the negative voice of the inner voice gets louder whenever you are doing something new. Are you ready to move from listening to the inner critic to the inner coach?

The first step is to recognize when the inner critic is speaking. Until you become more self-aware, you won't likely notice the negative voice because it is all you hear. You are convinced this is the truth, so why fight it?

You will know the inner critic is talking because of the loud, impatient, demeaning, hostile and judgmental voice.

Over time you will learn to notice when your inner critic is active. Once you are aware this is happening, you can choose to have a conversation with this part of you and reassure this part of yourself that you are capable of taking good care of yourself.

You might want to give your inner critic a name so it will be easier to converse with this part of you. Be kind to this part of you because it wants to keep you safe. An excellent way to quiet your inner critic is by inviting it to use its energy for positive things, such as reminding you to slow down and breathe. Are you ready to move from listening to the inner critic to the inner coach?

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How To Stop Self Sabotaging Relationships?

How To Stop Self Sabotaging Relationships?

You hunger for relationships. It is so exciting when you find the right person. Yet you are scared because your relationships never last longer than two months.

When your relationship gets near the end of two months, your inner critic works hard to end your connection to prevent you from being hurt.

Becoming self-aware of your inner critic will help you to stop self-sabotaging relationships.

The good news is that you can have long-lasting relationships. With greater awareness, you will notice when you get caught in the old stories that get you into trouble in your relationships.

Here are 8 ways to stop self-sabotaging relationships:

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Seven Reasons To Stop Believing You're Never Good Enough (So You Can Get Back To Your Life)

Seven Reasons To Stop Believing You're Never Good Enough (So You Can Get Back To Your Life)

You are among many who believe they are never good enough. You probably do not broadcast this to the world, but your inner critic is always trying to put you down.

Your inner critic wants to keep you safe, and the only way it knows to keep you comfortable is keeping you from trying anything new. It hopes that telling you that you are never good enough will stop you from any new adventures.

The good news is that you can quiet your inner critic with practice by showing that you can take care of yourself.

Here are 11 ways to stop believing you are never good enough:

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13 Ways Your Inner Wisdom Shows Up On A Daily Basis

13 Ways Your Inner Wisdom Shows Up On A Daily Basis

You are born with wisdom. You are wiser than you think!

You have access to your inner wisdom through your three centers of intelligence. When you are physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually healthy, you have access to wisdom that comes from the sensations of your body, the emotions of your heart and an openness to something greater through your quiet mind.

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3 Ways your Ego deludes You

3 Ways your Ego deludes You

You could not have survived your childhood without your ego. Your ego helped you to understand yourself as an individual. It enabled you to stay safe.

As you grow into adulthood, your ego, if left unchecked, will cause problems. Your ego likes to keep you doing the familiar. It loves the status-quo.

Your ego wants to keep you safe, but it is robbing you of new and exciting experiences. Anytime you try something different, it will do its best to stop you through the inner critic's negative voice.

A great way to stop your ego from controlling your life is to learn the psychological-spiritual tool called the Enneagram.

The first step is to discern your Enneagram type, and this can take some time. There are nine different possibilities. The lens through which you experience the world is different for each of the nine Enneagram types.

Once you discover your type, the Enneagram provides you with a map for personal development. It shows you the places where you get stuck in your ego and how to become free.

As you become self-aware, you will catch yourself getting stuck in the delusion of the ego.

Here are three ways the ego deludes you.

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Three Ways to Quiet the Inner Critic & Find Your True Self

Three Ways to Quiet the Inner Critic & Find Your True Self

You have an inner critic, and it is never going to go away. The good news is that it does not need to control your life.

You can thank your inner critic for keeping you safe, especially when you were growing up. You can thank your inner critic for its good intentions. However, it is time to let this part of you know that you are capable of taking care of yourself. It is time to quiet this voice and use your energy to build up rather than tear down.

Here are three ways to quiet the inner critic and find your true self:

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